Famous personalities
Aleksandr Pushkin: birthdate 06 june 1799 birthplace
Was a famous Russian poet, dramatist and prose–writer. As it is seen from the Personality test his creativeness and genius were gifted him at birth, and owing to his high industriousness and productive thinking he managed to create his legendary masterpieces such as “Eugene Onegin”, “Poltava” and “Boris Godunov”, which demanded for deep history knowledge and tendency to analyze. His only love to Natalia Goncharova can be explained by “fidelity in personal relationship” parameter. And his will to defend his and her reputation, to challenge the offender to a duel – by his strong will and courage. To find out which character traits, given to you at birth, you should improve run this author program –Volikov’s test – online Personality test.
(for women)
(for men)
Please note that the assessment scale which we use reflects one or another feature of your character in comparison to other people and can or cannot coincide with your own self-concept, because each person has his own assessment scale at a certain age period.
The most important point here is that On-line personality test doesn’t put a label on you; it’s more like a guide for discovering your character. With this guide you get the opportunity for better understanding your unique personal traits and, if necessary, do something about this, developing your fine qualities.
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