Тест на совместимость, тест Воликова


You: Елена, birthplace . Date of birth: 08 march 1972 (00:25)

Your partner's: Олег, birthplace . Date of birth: 28 april 1968

Here the marks may vary from “0” (very bad) to “6” (perfect). Please note our comment:

0-very bad, 1 – bad, 2 – satisfactory, 3 – quite well, 4 – good, 5 – very good, 6 – perfect.

How you match your partner


5Very good

Relationship stability


Whole compatibility


Mutual understanding


How your partner matches you


5Very good

Relationship stability


Whole compatibility


Mutual understanding


If in the column “LOVE” you get the mark no higher than “3” (quite well), it means that you and your partner have poor chances to save the feelings for a long time. If in the column “relationship stability” the mark is under “2”, it means you should do your best to keep this relationship.

“Whole compatibility” - is a complex factor that reflects almost all kind of relationship between people.

If you think of personal relationships first of all you should pay your attention to parameters “Love” and “relationship stability”, and then only to “whole compatibility” and “mutual understanding”. If you think of business partnership or friendship first of all you should consider parameters “mutual understanding” and “whole compatibility”.

Please note – this program doesn’t put a label whether your partner is good or bad, it calculates your relationship compatibility. To be more confident in your choice you should consider another information about him/her, which this program doesn’t include: 1) his/her upbringing conditions and environment; 2) inherited factors, but first of all listen to your sixth sense.

Good luck!

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